Adsense Smithe

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Adsense Smithe review

Discover How to Turn Your Web Site's Content Into Cash!

Before we get into how Google assesses sites, and whether a little or a lot of magic script that will give optimal results, let's review the advantages AdSense.
Advantages of the Google AdSense system
Google AdSense is simple to use and manage. Once approved, the display ads on your web page does not require the time and require little technical knowledge.
Google AdSense is very smart about ad selection. Ads that show only those relevant to the content, and Google has strict quality on general quality of the ads.
Only use the Google AdSense text ads. Far from a low-tech, text ads are more effective than flashy ads. Click the rate of text ads that will prove more than the animated ads! Click the more money the same, and the text the same ad in more clicks. ... Text ads are very "low-weight" and very fast loading. AdSense program wEdit Entriill not slow down web sites, or visitors, down. You can also use graphic ads.
Google AdSense programs: Choose your weapon (s)!
Google at this time (mid 2005) offers three programs: AdSense for content, AdSense for search, and Premium AdSense.
AdSense for content
AdSense for content is the main AdSense program - contextually-targeted ads will be displayed on your web page, and you paid for each click. This ad is specifically intended for Web page content. As a result, if you change the content of your pages, the ads that are displayed will also change. AdSense allows you good control over what ads are presented, because there may be some problems if it is not clear. These include:
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